Monday, June 16, 2008

My Cute Nephew

Above is my 3 months old nephew ZX. I took this picture during his mum and his visit to me yesterday. ZX was born with 3.6kg weight 3 months ago, what a giant baby!!! :) I pretty sure my sister is very proud of him.. ha... He is quite easy to take care of, due to he rarely cry except when he is hungry, or want someone to carry or hug him. Other than that all are all right. It is normal for a baby right!! ha.... but please do not cry at the midnight, cause i want to ZzZzz.. :P

Below is ZX elder brother named HZ, who is now 17 months old. He's a hyperactive boy. I bet he is a super big challenge to his parent. HZ has started learning to talk last few months ago. Now he can speak some simple words, like daddy, mummy, popo, gonggong etc. Now he is very curious for every single thing around him. For example food, staircase, cabinet, switch, hand phone, PC etc even they are not his toy ___||| He tends to imitate how the adult act.. wow.. must be very careful and patient towards him to prevent him from learning bad things!! He is clever,smart and a fast leaner. I miss him so much even though yesterday i was tired of chasing after him.. haha...

I'm going to miss both of them!! oh, my cute nephew ~~

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